Trail of Prophecy

Author: Edward Oliver

ISBN 1-58939-590-5 (Softcover)
248 Pages

The United States is truly unique in its many technological achievements and its standing in the world today. Was it mere chance that brought us to this point, or was it destiny?

It is hoped that in reading these stories, the reader will begin to realize that the mathematical odds of probability and chance truly overextended themselves in the many events that marked the path of human destiny, including:

  • The West Nile Virus
  • The World Trade Center Attack
  • The Cycle of Presidents
  • The Metric System
  • The Bill of Rights
  • Evolution
  • The End of Time

Edward Oliver was born in 1946, first of the baby boomers to witness the rise of technology from the ashes of the Second World War. The promise of the times was that technology would produce a better world for him, a world where human productivity would improve to the point where he would need to work only ten hours every week to support his family. His future would be completely devoid of disease and human suffering, due to the many improvements in medicine and the medical technologies, and there would be robotic devices to perform every common task like walking the dog and mowing the lawn. It would be an ideal world where his biggest problem would be trying to find what to do with all his free time. Such was the promise of technology. It was the subject of every magazine article, and was taught in every school classroom. It was the dream of all academia, educating the children of today for the ideal world of tomorrow.

Category: Non-Fiction

Type: books

Vendor: Edward Oliver

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